With a 2-months implementation period, we save you precious learning time and still ensure timely adoption of #digitallearning in your school.
- With 5years experience in online learning implementation, we can ensure successful implementation for all school stakeholders.
- We empower schools through #digitallearning with access to privatized school database, online content and class technology for your teachers.
- Can complete assignments and tests online
- Access and store class notes on online database, accessible anytime from any internet enabled device
- Share content and communicate with teachers and school peers from one platform
Users per Account
- Track and mark schoolwork, communicate with your learners online
- Can administer school tests and assignments online
- Educate your learners from anywhere at anytime on any smartphone/computer
- Track and mark schoolwork, communicate with your learners online
eLearning Features
- Track your children's school progress from anywhere
- Monitor child's schooling activities
- Access respective children's marks and academic progress, from any internet enabled device
Supported Languages